Frequently Asked Questions

Hydraloop Information:

1. Water details

What is greywater?

Greywater is lightly contaminated wastewater from bath and shower, shower, and optionally from washing machines, hand basins, air conditioning units and heat pumps. This should not be confused with blackwater which is wastewater from toilets, kitchen sinks, floor drains, and dishwashers.

What is Hydraloop reusable water

Reusable water is greywater that has been treated to be used for non-potable water needs like toilet flushing, washing machines and/or outdoor uses. 

Is the reusable water from my Hydraloop device safe for reuse?

Yes. Hydraloop reusable water is clean, clear and disinfected. The treatment technology utilized in the Hydraloop device has been tested and certified under the NSF-350 protocol and meets the most stringent international standards. Hydraloop reusable water should not be used for drinking, cooking or personal hygiene (bidet or hand showers).

Can I drink the reusable water from my Hydraloop device?

The Hydraloop device was not designed to produce potable water. 

What can I use the reusable water from my Hydraloop device for?

The reusable water from your Hydraloop device is suitable for toilet flushing, washing machines, garden irrigation and/or topping up swimming pools.

Can I use the reusable water from my Hydraloop device for my shower, bath or bidet?

No. There are standards in place that decide what one can use the recycled greywater for. These differ per country. Reusable water from a greywater recycling device cannot be used for personal hygiene purposes.

Can I use the reusable water from my Hydraloop device in my kitchen?

No, this is non-potable water. Therefore, you should not use it for preparing food or drinks, or for doing dishes.

Can I use the reusable water from my Hydraloop device for my vegetable garden?

Yes, you can use the reusable water for growing crops.

Can my Hydraloop device produce water that is drinking water quality?

No, the Hydraloop device cannot produce water that is safe to drink.  Greywater recycling is a type of treatment that treats greywater for non-potable uses like toilet flushing, washing machine use and/or irrigation purposes.   

Does Hydraloop device work with greywater that contains a lot of calcium (hardness)?

Yes. If you have much calcium in your tap water (which will in turn be present in your greywater), we recommend descaling your Hydraloop device every six months with 500 cl (1 pound) of citric acid. The Hydraloop APP will advise you on how to descale your device.

Why does the H300 device not treat water from hand wash basins or condensation water from air conditioning units, tumble driers and heat pumps?

"Our current hard and software is not set up or configured to detect and sensibly handle the small volumes of grey water generated by hand wash basins, AC condensate and Heat pump condensate in the H300, v1.5 and v2, stand alone devices.
However, Cascades of multiple H300's and H600 stand alone devices can sensibly handle all these additional grey water inputs"

2. Certification

Does a greywater recycling system need to be certified?

It is important to know how your greywater recycling system performs so third party certification is important.  The level and type of certification will depend on your local plumbing codes and regulations.

Is it important for the Hydraloop device to be third party certified?

It is important to know that your greywater recycling system has proof of performance in order to be confident that it can provide you with clean, disinfected reusable water.  By installing a third party certified device you can be reassured that it will deliver safe reusable water for your non-potable uses.

What is NSF-350?

NSF is an organization located in the United States with worldwide recognition for their third party testing on water treatment products.  The NSF-350 standard establishes material, design, construction and performance requirements for onsite residential and commercial water reuse treatment systems.  They also set water quality requirements for the reduction of chemical and microbiological contaminants for non-potable water use. 

NSF350 ExplainedNSF350 Explained

NSF 350 – Onsite residential & commercial water reuse systems 

Point Form Explanation: 

  • For treatment components to be regarded as ‘safe’ to use they must have undergone some type of ‘third party testing’ 

  • The third party will take specific equipment (UV disinfection systems, inline filters, Greywater treatment systems) and test them under specific conditions and sign off saying that ‘Yes, this system or component does perform the way the specific NSF standard outlines 

  • NSF is that third party that validates treatment components or equipment and gives it their ‘stamp’ of approval – NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) seal of approval is recognized worldwide but more so in North America 

  • NSF 350 is specifically written for greywater treatment equipment 

  • To test a system, NSF must set up the device as it would be installed in a real-life installation  

  • They also must have a representative influent water that maintains the same characteristics of what we would see in a typical home 

  • Therefore, NSF must create ‘greywater’ in their lab and run it through the Hydraloop device 

  • NSF will be aware of what is in the water going into the device and will test the characteristics of the water coming out of the device 

  • From those results they can determine if the Hydraloop device can deliver reusable water that is what NSF deems ‘safe’ to reuse within the home/facility for toilet flushing, washing machine use and/or outdoor use 

  • During the NSF 350 test the device is actually on test for 26-weeks to get an accurate test length to mirror a real-life installation 

  • This testing period does not just focus on the water quality but also on the loading of the greywater recycling device; this is called stress testing and it can include the introduction of elevated levels of components like soap to the device 

  • The concentration of greywater from showers, baths and washing machines is well documented and NSF has produced the list of characteristics and their concentrations that greywater treatment systems must meet 


Greywater typically has high concentrations of the following: 

  • TSS: total suspended solids – this is a measure of suspended solids in a sample and the concentration (ppm) provides the weight of particulate material that is present in the water.  This parameter would assist in determining what kind of load of particulate would be collected from water.  For example, if there is a high TSS concentration you would know that the load on the filters would be high and therefore the filters would need to be changed more frequently 

  • Turbidity: The cloudiness or haziness of a fluid due to particles visible to the naked eye – turbidity and TSS are essentially the same parameter, but turbidity is more a measure of how well light can pass through a sample whereas TSS is more of a quantitative expression of suspended particles.  Typically, Turbidity is a concern when you are incorporating a UV system.  Turbidity is visible to the naked eye, microorganisms are not.  Consider how many microorganisms can attach themselves to a piece of turbidity and can be shielded when passing by a UV light thereby getting through to the treated water. All turbidity must be removed from the water prior to a UV system. The level of turbidity will assist in determining the size of filter you need.  An elevated level of turbidity (say 10 NTUs) will need a 20-micron filter to remove it whereas a turbidity of say 2 NTUs will only need a 5-micron filter. 


  • BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand – Higher BOD indicates more oxygen is required, which is less for oxygen-demanding species to feed on and signifies lower water quality. And a low BOD means less oxygen is being removed from water, so water is generally more pure 

  • BOD is a biological oxidation & is performed by aerobic organisms (organisms that thrive when oxygen is present) 


  • COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand – The oxygen demand that is consumed by both organic and inorganic matter present in a sample. COD measures the oxygen required to decompose organic and inorganic constituents present in a sample by a chemical reactionIf there is a 'high demand' for oxygen that indicates that there is something in the water depleting, it which is detrimental to the condition of the effluent. 

  • COD is a chemical oxidation process performed by chemical reagents in the sample 

  • Total coliforms: this is a group of bacteria that are not bad for you (non-pathogenic) - this is called an indicator group.  If there is a high level of total coliform then you need to determine what makes this number high by testing for more specific, pathogenic bacteria 

  • E.coli: pathogenic bacteria that indicates that the sample has been exposed to mammal waste. If you have a high total coliform count this usually is an indicator that there is E.coli present 

Is my Hydraloop device third party certified?

Yes, your Hydraloop device is certified by NSF/ANSI according to the NSF-350 standard, PIA (Germany) and KIWA. The quality of water from your Hydraloop device also complies with the European Grey Water Standard.

3. Pre-Installation:

How does the Hydraloop device recycle my greywater?

The Hydraloop device uses a unique combination of sustainable water treatment technologies that ensures the highest water quality, without requiring regular maintenance or doing harm to the environment.

Hydraloop’s patented technology is consumer friendly, carefree and sustainable. The treatment process removes hair, dirt, soap and other pollution from greywater without the use of filters, membranes, or chemicals, so there is no need to clean and/or exchange filters. This reduces the operational costs substantially.

The Hydraloop greywater treatment combines six technologies: sedimentation, flotation, dissolved air flotation, foam fractionation, an aerobic bioreactor, and disinfection of the treated water with powerful UV light, inactivating all pathogenic microorganisms. 

How long does the treatment of the greywater take?

The treatment takes approximately 3-4 hours.

Can my Hydraloop device be installed outdoors?

The Hydraloop device cannot be installed outdoors.  It needs to be protected against the elements and direct sunlight.  The ambient air temperature must be in the range of between 57-95 degrees F.

Where in the home should I install my Hydraloop device?

The Hydraloop device can be installed in the basement, laundry, heated garage or a mechanical room.  The device must be installed indoors and kept from the ambient air becoming too hot or cold.  Depending on where the device is installed will determine whether or not a lift pump is required.  For example, if your Hydraloop device is installed on the second floor and your washing machine is on the first floor you will need to have a pump in order to lift the greywater up to the system.

What kind of home can a Hydraloop device be installed in (new build, retrofit)?

While it is possible to install a Hydraloop device into a retrofit project it would be very costly due to the changes needed in the plumbing layout of the building.  New builds are much more cost effective as your contractor can design the plumbing layout according to the Hydraloop's Recycle Ready guidelines.

What size of Hydraloop device do I need?

The size of Hydraloop device that is needed will depend on the size of the home or facility and the amount of people using water in the space.  Hydraloop has a calculator program that installers can use to enter in the details of your application in order to ensure that the appropriate device is being considered.  You can contact your Hydraloop technical personnel to speak with directly if the calculator is not an option or you have further questions.  You can reach help at

What is the difference between the H300 and H600 device and the Cascade system?

The main difference would the size of the device and its recycling capacity.  The H300 is ideal for homes with 4-6 people while the H600 is more suitable for homes where the water volume usage is higher (4-10 occupants).  A Cascade system is a custom design with multiple device working in tandem for larger volumes water use that you have in commercial buildings.  Cascade systems are ideal for sports arenas, hotels or residential complexes.

Can I recycled the greywater from the hand basin in the washroom?

The H600 device can treat the greywater from the hand basins (not from the kitchen sink) due to it's dual capacity design.  You cannot collect greywater from hand basins with the H300 device as this outlet generates only a small volume of water which can disturb a cleaning cycle in progress.  

Are there different power requirements for each of the models?

The power requirements will change depending on your geographic location.  The power consumption will not change regardless of the voltage.

What is the power consumption of each of the Hydraloop models?

The average power consumption is 200 kWh/year.

Does the Hydraloop device make a sound?

In standby mode and during greywater treatment, the Hydraloop device does create sound of approximately 44 db. You can compare it with the sound of a silent dishwasher. The sound comes from the dissolved air flotation (bubbles) within the device itself. Another sound that is noticeable is when the water pump is pumping, although this is only for a brief moment.

What happens if too much water enters the device?

If the greywater volume entering the device is too large the tanks will automatically overflow into the sewer.

What happens when all the reusable water has been utilized?

Once the device has distributed all of the reusable water that has gone through treatment, the device will automatically switch to backup water. As soon as reusable water is available the device will automatically starts to supply your non-potable sources once again.

What happens if I go away for a few days?

If no greywater flows into the device for more than 72 hours, it will automatically switch to ‘holiday mode’. Once you start using water in the home again and greywater is produced, the device will automatically begin its treatment steps.

What happens if I go away for a longer period?

If you go away for more than 3 weeks, the Hydraloop device will automatically empty all the reusable water from the tanks. The device will wait until you return from holiday and then automatically begin treatment once greywater enters the inlet. Do not turn off the Hydraloop device! Power consumption will be very small.

Are there any add-ons for the Hydraloop device?

There is an optional inlet diverter when you want to bring greywater from the washing machine into the device as well as an auxiliary outlet if you would like to supply reusable water for irrigation purposes.

How many toilets can be connected to a Hydraloop device?

A single Hydraloop H300 or H600 device can feed up to four (4) toilets at a maximum distance of 20 meters wide and 12 meters high. Cascade systems can be equipped with an external booster pump to extend the range and number of toilets. 

Can more than one washing machines can be connected to a Hydraloop device?

A Hydraloop device can be connected to one (1) washing machine. The device has the ability to monitor the washing machine program to supply reusable or backup water. If more than one washing machine is connected, this process will not work. 

What is the warranty on a Hydraloop device?

The warranty period for your Hydraloop device is specified in your Warranty Certificate for a period of two years on specific components. This Certificate may vary according to national law. We do offer the Hydraloop Care option to extend the warranty on all component for 5 years or longer. Hydraloop Care be extended for up to 20 years. Details are available up on request.

What is the lifespan of a Hydraloop device?

The lifespan of a Hydraloop device is at least 20 years.

How much space does a Hydraloop device require?

There are two Hydraloop models to choose from, the H300 and the H600.  Dimensions of both devices are indicated below:

























H300 DISPLAY MODEL PACKAGED 2198 345 815 50 -
























































H600 DISPLAY MODEL PACKAGED 2190 705 820 72 -

































The H600 requires 60 centimeters of space on both the front and back of the device, installed with its side against the wall.

The H300 requires 60 centimeters of space in front of the device to enable easy access for service and maintenance.

What is the tank capacity of the H300 device?

The H300 device can hold a maximum volume of 300L of water.  180L of greywater and 120L of reusable water.

What is the tank capacity of the H600 device?

The H600 device can hold a maximum volume of 600L of water.  360L of greywater and 240L of reusable water.

What is the volume of reusable water that each device can produce per day?

The volume of reusable water that each device can produce will depend on the amount of water used, how many people are in the home/facility and how effectively they are using their water.  It is important that device owners be cognizant of when they use their water as their water use will determine how much water they can ultimately save over time.  For example, if a family showers in the AM then they need to become accustomed to running their laundry in the PM in order to take full advantage of the reusable water that has been produced throughout the day.

Does the Hydraloop device require a wall power outlet?

Yes. The wall power outlet must have earth safety protection and should preferably be positioned above or next to the device. 

What is the minimum weight the floor must be able to carry?

The Hydraloop H300 device has a dry weight of 92 kg. When it is filled with water, it has a maximum weight of 382 kg.

The Hydraloop H600 device has a dry weight of 175 kg. When it is filled with water, it has a maximum weight of 760 kg.

Before you install the device, make sure the floor can carry a minimum of 800 kilograms per m2 (for the H300 device) or 1,000 kilograms (for the H600 device).

Is my piping configuration laid out correctly?

Before installing your Hydraloop device you need to refer to the Recycle Ready guide and checklist that Hydraloop provides.  This will guide you on how to set up your plumbing configuration within the home/facility prior to installation.  The Recycle Ready Checklist must be submitted to your Hydraloop partner prior to moving forward with commissioning.

What do the connections look like?


4. Installation

How do I hook up my Hydraloop device?

The Hydraloop device needs to have the greywater from your sources (shower/bath and /or washing machine) come into the inlet, backup water (tap or rainwater) must be plumbed to the device, a connection to sewer must be setup, have separate reusable water outlets to: toilets, washing machine, and/or the garden/pool top-up.  The device also requires a standard power outlet as well as a permanent WiFi connection .  

How do I provide backup water to my Hydraloop device?

At the installation location of the Hydraloop device a backup water connection needs to be present.  This backup water (or rainwater) should be connected with a 1/2" male thread (MNPT) connection with the help of a double 1/2" female threaded flexible hose (supplied with the system).  The backup water and reusable water connection are identical in terms of installation.  

How many outlet connections are there?

The Hydraloop device has a maximum of 3 reusable water outlets.  The first outlet is dedicated to feed reusable water to the toilets for flushing, the second is dedicated for the washing machine and the third is optionally used for garden/irrigation/pool top-up.

Is it difficult to disconnect the Hydraloop device?

The Hydraloop device is not difficult to disconnect however we do not recommend that you do not unhook the system on a regular basis.  To begin you need to turn off the backup water supply and power then disconnect all physical connections.  To keep running water everywhere it is recommended to make a direct connection from the backup water to the reusable water outlets as well as a greywater input line to sewer. 

Can I combine Hydraloop device with a grease trap or grease interceptor to recycle greywater from my kitchen?

No, we do not allow it. Hydraloop devices are not designed nor suitable to recycle kitchen greywater.

1.The greywater from your kitchen sink and dishwasher is only a small amount compared to the greywater produced from your shower and bath. The water you would save from kitchen grease traps would not weigh up to the costs of implementing a grease trap or grease interceptor.

2. Even after passing a grease trap or grease interceptor, kitchen greywater is still too dirty for greywater treatment in a Hydraloop device.  

Can I combine reusable water from my Hydraloop device with a rainwater tank?

Yes, you can. We have customers that use this combination and have ultimately brought down their tap water consumption from 150 liter per person per day to 15 liter per person per day.

You can connect your Hydraloop device with a rainwater system in two ways:

  1. As a backup source for the Hydraloop device (instead of tap water) provided the rainwater is pre-treated with filtration and disinfection.
  2. To transfer surplus reusable water into the rainwater tank.
Can I collect rainwater, and have it treated by a Hydraloop device?

No, the tank size of each Hydraloop device is designed for a daily input of shower/bath water. Rainwater can be produced in large volumes and the storage capacity of the device tanks are not designed for these volumes.

Why does rainwater need to be filtered before bringing it into the Hydraloop device?

As rainwater can come into contact with many different surfaces it is important to have both prefiltration and disinfection of the rainwater prior to entering the Hydraloop device.

Can Hydraloop device replace a rainwater tank or reduce its size and costs?

When you install a Hydraloop device, you can size your rainwater tank for irrigation only, because you will use the reusable water for toilet flushing and the washing machine. For example you can recycle up to 75.000 liters / 21.000 gallons of greywater with H300 device and 150.000 / 40.000 gallons with the H600 device per year.

If you recycle more greywater than you use inside the building, the Hydraloop device can pump the surplus to a rainwater tank. This way, you can use Hydraloop reusable water to irrigate the garden and optimize your usage of all of the reusable water. You can also keep collecting rainwater in a tank for garden irrigation.

We believe that rainwater should contribute to the hydro logic cycle and not flow into the sewer. Using Hydraloop reusable water both inside and outside, and  rainwater outside you are reaching the most sustainable way to reuse greywater.

Can a Hydraloop device be installed in an existing building?

Yes. A Hydraloop device can be retrofitted to existing homes and apartments. However you have to make sure the building is Recycle Ready with the required plumbing configuration. You can find information on the preparation of your plumbing in the Factsheet “Have your Building Recycle Ready”.


When retrofitting a home all existing plumbing must be removed and reinstalled, therefore getting your building Recycle Ready can become costly. The more economical way of installing a Hydraloop device is to combine the installation with a home or bathroom renovation.

Can a Hydraloop device be installed in a new building?

Yes. A Hydraloop device can be installed in any new building if the plumbing is installed correctly. However you will need to ensure that the building is Recycle Ready. You can find information on the preparation of your plumbing in the Fact sheet “Have your Building Recycle Ready”.

Does the Hydraloop system require start-up time before it's operational?

Each Hydraloop system has a start-up time of 21 days. This is required by the NSF-350 standard.

Can I decide the priority of recycled greywater reuse (i.e. toilets, laundry and garden)?

Yes. The Hydraloop system is controlled by an app on your smartphone.  With this app you are able to set priorities to in order to have the most efficient water usage.  For example, to have your washing machine have access to the recycled greywater first.  In the app you would go to Settings, and then Priorities and make your selection.

How difficult is it to install a Hydraloop unit?

A seasoned installer will manage the installation of a Hydraloop system with ease.  Part of the installation is the commissioning, which will be explained by the use of the Hydraloop app.  The overall installation level is easy to medium.  The preparation work for the Hydraloop system would be the most challenging part of the Hydraloop system.

How long does it take to install a Hydraloop system?

If the external installation (of the building) is prepared according to the Recycle Ready document then the installation and commissioning of the system will take less than 2 hours.

Can anyone install a Hydraloop system?

The Hydraloop system is a high-tech product and can only be installed by an accredited installer/plumber. Only this way we can offer our warranty.

5. Online Connection

Where can I find the instructions for setting up the Hydraloop APP?

The Hydraloop APP is very well explained upon downloading the app itself.  After the application is installed on your phone start with the procedure 'set WiFi network' under the button 'Installation'.  

What information can I obtain from the Hydraloop APP itself?

The APP will lay out your current tank levels, current and past water savings and the Hydraloop device status information.  It also provides shortcuts to manuals, FAQ's and much more.  

Why do you monitor the Hydraloop device in the central server?

All operational Hydraloop device are connected to the central server for remote monitoring, remote service and over-the-air software updates.  

Does the Hydraloop device have to be online and connected to the central server at all time?

In principle, yes. Your device needs to be connected to the central server. There is no problem if your internet connection is not 100% stable. Your Hydraloop device can function without server connection for a limited amount of time (up to seven days). You should, however, never turn the internet connection off.  

What data does the central server monitor?

The central server monitors the status of the Hydraloop device (operational, holiday mode etc.), as well as tank levels, valve positions, pump settings and displaced water volumes over time. 

How can you guarantee that the central server is always online?

The Hydraloop central server runs at the premises of a qualified hosting provider with secured data protection and back up services.  

How does the data exchange between my Hydraloop device and the central server work? Is my data safe?

Your Hydraloop device has a secure TCP connection with the central server. Your device can only communicate with the central server if the server sends a specific signal. The device cannot communicate with other internet servers.  

My Hydraloop device has been installed but my Hydraloop APP is not showing reusable water, why?

This means that either the Hydraloop device have not treated any greywater at that moment, or the application is not connected to the Hydraloop Server.  In that case, re-install your APP and connect it again with your Hydraloop device by running through the instructions as explained in the APP under 'Scan/enter Hydraloop ID'. 

Can I change the WiFi network?

Yes, you can. Before you change the WiFi network, you should shut down the old WiFi signal. Then please follow the steps as explained in the installation manual. 

What happens if my internet connection is unstable or cut off?

Nothing happens, as long as the connection is restored within 7 days.  

Is there a way to run my Hydraloop device without WiFi?

No, the Hydraloop device can only work with a permanent internet connection.  Otherwise the device cannot monitor the process and therefore not guarantee the output of the reusable water quality.  A permanent internet connection is one of the conditions of starting up your Hydraloop device.  

6. Maintenance

How often does a Hydraloop device need maintenance?

One of Hydraloop device benefits is that they do not use filters or membranes, so they will not clog, and you never have to clean or replace a filter. This reduces costs as well. All Hydraloop device are fully automatic and have a regular self-cleaning mode.

We recommend a preventive maintenance check by your Hydraloop installer once every two years.

How long does a regular maintenace session take?

On average a regular scheduled maintenance session will take approximately 1 hour.

Do I need to replace any components on the Hydraloop device?

There are some specific components that will need to be replaced on the device.  These are the UV lamp, the air pump, transfer tube or air diffuser.  The air pump and UV lamps must be replaced every two years.

How often do I need to replace the UV lamp?

The expected lifetime of the UV lamp is 3 years. We recommend scheduling a preventive maintenance check for your device by your Hydraloop installer every two years. During this check, the UV light bulb is exchanged.

How do I remove hardness build-up within my Hydraloop device?

Part of the maintenance program is descaling.  Descaling is done by pouring citric acid down the shower drain in order to have it enter the device.  The Hydraloop device will then run an internal cleaning cycle to descale essential components.

Do I need special cleaning products or laundry detergents?

No, you do not need to use special cleaning products or laundry detergents. The only requirement is that you use products without bleach in your bathroom cleaning products (for all showers and baths that are connected to the Hydraloop device).

What happens if I clean the shower or bath with a product that contains bleach?

If you clean your shower or bath with a product that contains bleach, you will need to restart the bioreactor with your Hydraloop APP. The 'start-up procedure' currently takes 21 days. Hydraloop offers a bioreactor Vitalizer (in the form of a (re)starter kit) which will shorten the start-up period to 7 days. 

What happens if I dye my hair in the shower?

You can only rinse out hair dye in the shower after you’ve activated the APP to flush the dye rinse water directly to the sewer.  This will temporarily redirect the incoming greywater directly to the sewer.  Otherwise the reusable water will be coloured and can affect disinfection.

How do I restart the bioreactor?

In the Hydraloop APP, select  ‘Start-up Procedure’. This will empty the tanks and restart the bioreactor inside the Hydraloop device. During the start-up period, the device will automatically switch to backup water. You can use the showers and baths like you always do. When the biological treatment is fully operational again the Hydraloop device will offer reusable water once again.

The ‘Start-up Procedure’ currently takes 21 days. Hydraloop also offers a bioreactor vitalizer – in the form of a (re)starter kit – which will shorten the start-up period to 7 days.

Can there be cross contamination between the reusable water and the backup water supply?

No there is no opportunity for these two connections to cross.  There is an embedded safe air-gap in the Hydraloop device preventing backflow of reusable water to the backup water connection.

How long can my Hydraloop device be offline is there is an extended power outage?

If the Hydraloop device does not have power for more than 1 hour it will put its internal water to waste.  Once the power is back on the device will once again continue its normal program.

Is there a long startup time if my device goes back online after a power outage?

No, the start up will only take a few minutes.

Who do I contact for maintenance on my Hydraloop device?

Please contact your installer for maintenance assistance.  This should be an accredited installation or partner of Hydraloop.  Otherwise you can contact Hydraloop directly and they will direct you to a local partner in your area (  

7. Alarm System
How do I know if my Hydraloop device is in an alarm condition?

The Hydraloop device comes with both an audible and visual alarm.  There is a light on the front of the system that changes colour based on the condition that the device is in.

What kind of alarms can a Hydraloop device experience?

Potential alarms can indicate a UV lamp failure, a high water alarm, air pump alarm, water circulation alarm and water distribution pump alarm.  These are all highly unlikely.

Is there an audible alarm?

The Hydraloop device will produce a quiet beeping when there is an alarm condition. An alert will also come up on your smartphone (the Hydraloop APP) as well as your installers Hydraloop Device Manager (HDM).

What do the lights on the front of the Hydraloop device indicate?

The status lights on the front of the Hydraloop device indicate what stage the device is at:

Visual Alarm Notifications:

Blue light: A blue light on the LED panel indicates that there is currently no reusable water available and backup water is being used for all functions.
white alternate light: A blue and white alternating light on the LED panel indicates that there is reusable water in storage tank (T3), but not enough for a full washing machine cycle.
White light: A white light on the LED panel indicates that there is a sufficient volume of reusable water for all uses.
Green light:  A green light on the LED panel indicates that the first collection tank (T1) or storage tank (T3) is directing greywater directly to drain (waste). You now know that the device is in automatic cleaning mode.
Purple light: A purple light on the LED panel indicates that the Hydraloop device is detecting that the washing machine is in operation.
Orange light:  An orange light on the LED panel indicates that there is an issue with the Hydraloop device, and the greywater is not being treated.  Action needs to be taken.
Red light:  A red light on the LED panel indicates
 that there is an issue with the Hydraloop device, and no water can be distributed to the toilets and washing machine.  Immediately contact your installer or Sales Engineer to begin the troubleshooting process. 


Audible Alarm Notifications:

High water level warning: Buzzer alarm 2 beeps every minute, visual alarm 2 pulses every minute

Air pump failure: Buzzer alarm 3 beeps every minute, visual alarm 3 pulses every minute

UV lamp failure: Buzzer alarm 4 beeps every minute, visual alarm 4 pulses every minute

Water storage tank re-disinfection circulation failure: Buzzer alarm 5 beeps every minute, visual alarm 5 pulses every minute

Water distribution pump failure: Buzzer alarm 6 beeps every minute, visual alarm 6 pulses every minute 

Will my Hydraloop device continue to operate when in an alarm condition?

This will depend on the type of alarm.  In most cases the Hydraloop device will continue operating.  Meaning that possibly the device needs attention on components on short term (orange light appears).  If there is a pump failure (red light appears) and immediate service is needed then the device will not continue to operate.  For all status and alarms please check the owners manual.

Will I still have water in an alarm condition?

You will have the use of your backup water during an alarm condition provide there is not an issue with the distribution pump.