Alfred and Kay’s water efficient house

Updated on 2024-08-26

In the arid landscape of Southern California, where water scarcity and rising water prices are critical concerns, Alfred and Kay Tetzner sought a sustainable solution to manage their water usage efficiently. They installed a Hydraloop H600 device, an innovative water recycling system that collects, cleans, and reuses graywater from various sources around their home. This system significantly reduced their household water bills and conserved a substantial amount of water annually. The Tetzners’ journey with Hydraloop underscores the importance and effectiveness of advanced water recycling technologies in addressing environmental challenges and reducing costs in a region where water conservation is paramount.

Want to read more in depth information about their inspiring story and their situation? Read more here.

Project Information: #

Southern California, USA
Two-person household

Installation Details #

Devices and Polishers: 1 x Hydraloop H600
Yearly Water Saving: 34,718 liters / 9,172 gallons of graywater recycled

Usage Details #

Collection Sources: Showers, baths, washing machines
End Uses: Toilets, washing machines and garden irrigation.
Size of Installation: Approximately 0.8 sqm / 8.61 sqft

Owner’s Testimonial #

“Our Hydraloop took us out of Tiers 4 and 3, which are very pricey on the US coast of California. Now, instead of wasting water and money, we’re saving both. It’s incredible to see our water bills drop from $350 to under $160 per month. Plus, it’s a great feeling to know we’re doing our part to conserve water in such a dry region.”

– Alfred Tetzner